Submission for the TSA Utah state competition

Game is best played in full screen

To play the game you must fight 2 monsters to collect all of the instruments for each area to move to the next one. You can “Fight” enemies for the instruments by doing a music battle and try to win over the crowd before the enemy does. If you win, you get their instrument and they will leave you be. If you lose you must restart and continue the battle until you win. To fight an enemy in a map just click on a spot in their “fight range” and a menu will pop up in which you can then click edit and select what instruments you would like to use for that battle, you are limited to two max. Once you have chosen your instrument, you can start the competition! When you are in a fight battle you will see 2 bars. One on the top left and the other top right of the screen. The left one is the enemy's cheer score and the right one is your own cheer score. Your goal is to fill yours all the way up before the enemy fills up theirs. When you first start you will hear a little introduction piece so you can get the feel of the music. After that the enemy will play their instrument with the main song; while they are doing that you get to choose your instrument and which song you want to play. After the enemy has finished playing their part you will get to play your part for a chunk of the song then it will be the enemy once again, and so on. The song will continue to loop until someone has reached the cheer score needed to emerge victorious. After you have beaten the enemy the instrument that the enemy had will be added to your inventory. In your inventory you can choose what instrument and what difficulty you want to add to your song list. The song list shows the instruments that you can use when battling an enemy. If you choose a higher difficulty for a song you can get a higher cheer score but the song will be harder to play. 


Left click in menus: Interact with buttons/sliders/toggles Left click in main game: Move your player to that location 

P in song battle: Activate the top lane in the song battle 

O in song battle: Activate the middle lane in the song battle

I in song battle: Activate the bottom lane in the song battle

Esc/E in main game: Open up inventory/settings menu
